Services We Offer
After you finish electrical and plumbing-- in under a week, we can make your basement ready for paint and carpet.
We offer hanging, taping, texturing, priming and drywall repair to customers big and small. Below are a few examples of the types of jobs that we specialize in. Please see our Ceiling Textures page to see the types of textures we apply.
Do you have a room or a whole floor of your house than needs an update? We can help make your walls flat again, give your ceiling an update and blend it all seamlessly into the rest of your home.
Custom Homes
With the highest standards for quality, we can complete hang, tape and texture your new home--no matter what the size.

Ceiling Retexturing
Sick of that outdated, stained or uneven ceiling? Without having to repaint your walls, we can give your ceilings a fantastic makeover in just 3 to 4 days. Visit our Ceiling Textures page to see your options for your new ceiling.